Is this you?
Do you have energy when you are on the go and busy but..
Crash or are bored when you are not doing something?
And then do you struggle to fall asleep at night, or wake in the night?
HAS fat started to accumulate around your waist
AND no amount of cutting calories and exercise will shift it?
Nothing works for you anymore? Not even eating hardly anything at all or exercise – not like it used to.
and HRT, the pill and other meds are not allowing you to live a full vibrant life?
DO you have brain fog or get hungry every few hours
And you just accepted this as ‘normal’
We know you have tried everything! That’s where THIS Mini Course comes in!
Learn how to biohack to access 20x more energy, supercharge your brain and balance your hormones
Instant access to the FULL 7 part fast track video series.
What EXACTLY will I be mastering during the challenge?

Balancing 7 Key Hormones
that Influence 99% of body, illness and health issues
The Exact 7 Steps
Any Woman Can Use To Teach Her Body To Burn Fat
Easy 3 Step Process To Hack
Into Your Body’s Automatic Nervous System To Access Fat Burning
The 2 Reasons People Who Go On Diets
Regain 83% Of The Weight Within a 2 Year Period
The Simple Process
To Reset Fat Burning Hormones With Ease
3 Reasons Why Your Body Chooses To Store Fat
and How To Change This
UPgrade Your body now
You will receive instant access to the full 7 part fast track challenge.
VIDEO 1: Boost Your Metabolism
🔥 Wake up 95% of metabolism that is usually asleep and unlock at least 20x more energy
🔥 Make fat fall off without exercise
🔥 Long term – make anti-inflammatory particles, activate anti-oxidants, stem cell, neurons, reverse aging, brain healing, cellular repair and removing old damaged cells,
🔥 How does your metabolism actually work, how do you speed it up and slow it down, what do you feed it
🔥 How do calories actually work and how do you speed it up and slow it down, what do you feed it
VIDEO TWO: Unlock Your Cells
🧬 The hormone that stores fat around your tummy. If you are in your 40’s-50’s you are becoming more resistant which is why the fat is started to show up on your tummy! Reducing this hormone through the methods in the video will reclaim your tummy as you get older, yes it can be done!
🧬 How to unlock your metabolism
🧬 How to decrease fat storing hormones and how you can eat sugar and still optimise your metabolism
🧬 Making fat metabolism a flowing lifestyle rather than black or white on the wagon off the wagon.
VIDEO THREE: Beat self-sabotage with vibrational programming and quantum physics
💫 Amazing strategy if you can’t stick to anything, self-sabotage, loose motivation and then beat yourself up.
💫 You will program cells, neural pathways, vibration to hold new programs so your health, weight, life comes with ease, lasting motivation and you feel in control again.
💫 Explore Newtonian and quantum realities to reclaim your power.
💫 Collapse timelines to alter your reality.
💫 How to decrease fat storing hormones and how you can eat sugar and still optimise your metabolism
💫 Making fat metabolism a flowing lifestyle rather than black or white on the wagon off the wagon.
VIDEO FOUR: Estrogen Progesterone, Sex Hormones, PMS, Menopause and being a Woman
💃 Especially powerful if you struggle with fat around bum/hip/thighs, PMS, menopause, anxiousness, bloating, fluid retention, weight around the bum/thighs, feel funky like the body doesn’t flow
💃 How you can allow your body to flow with ease and grace, embodying your divine feminine essence embodiment, feeling good, healthy without symptoms.
💃 How to optimise the natural flow of these hormones
💃 What happens with menopause and how you can optimise the transition.
💃 3 steps to balances these hormones, optimise the metabolism, feel good.
💃 Second half of the month is like the waning moon, a great time to Detox as the body releases fluid and toxins from the cells.
💃 Embrace the flow of these hormones to make them work for you
VIDEO FIVE: Exercise – the most misunderstood tool
🏃♀️ This video will explain why you plateau with exercise – the body adapts and how you can speed up your metabolism, burn fat and tone.
🏃♀️ Understand the different energy systems and which ones you can use to change how your body looks and feels.
VIDEO SIX: Beliefs, habits and addictions altering nervous system, hormones and metabolism
🧠Why this is a must-see for everyone!
🧠Especially busy women on the go, if you feel uncomfortable doing nothing, put everyone else first, fat storage around tummy, do everything right still feel tired, can’t sleep, digestive or reproductive issues, – feel trapped in a cycle of not knowing what’s wrong but also not having the time or space to help yourself.
🧠How you can literally turn on organs and systems back on, switch to healing/fat burning nervous system, fall asleep,, fat loss, energy, whole healing, bounce out of bed in the morning
🧠Uncover beliefs, habits and addictions that we think are helping but are actually shifting our hormones, our metabolism and nervous system, limiting our potential bypasses 1000% more energy ass well as how to step into a new rhelm that offers us grace, more energy, more time, and more freedom
VIDEO SEVEN: Eliminating Cravings and Emotional Eating
🍬 You will learn how to eliminate cravings, physically, mentally and emotionally so you are 100% in control.
🍬 You will uncover the hormones that contribute to your cravings and the lifestyle habits.
🍬 You will dive into some of your shadows to reclaim your power back and take ownership over your food, habits and life.
Learn how to biohack to access 20x more energy, supercharge your brain and balance your hormones
Instant access to the FULL 7 part fast track video series.
7 Strategies,
7 minutes each
You can awaken your metabolism and balance your hormones to get your body, health and life back!
step-by-step strategy plan
You will get a simple daily 10-minute actionable biohacking step to double your energy, feel lighter with looser clothes and release 1-3kg in 7 short days.
Ditch the overwhelm
You will go from feeling overwhelmed and confused to all the aha moments of why your metabolism is sluggish and reclaim control over your body.
You will be educated on hormones and your metabolism so you can reclaim control over your body, fee confident and motivated to won your body, health and life for good!
SHort and Long Term results
In the short term designed to unlock 20x more energy, release excess weight without exercise and with ease while long term healing your gut and liver, improving life expectancy, reducing disease and so much more!
And if you need one more reason:
You’ll do all of this with the support, encouragement and help of other like-minded people who all share the same goals
This is how it Works
You will receive instant access to the full 7 part fast track challenge.
You will receive instant access to 7 videos with how you can biohack your hormones and metabolism and you will just need to commit to one action to activate your body.
Meal Plan and Recipes
You will be emailed a sample meal plan and recipes but also learn what it takes to make your own hormone balancing, fat burning food and lifestyle!
Hi! I am Natalee
… a high vibe, sometimes intense kiwi living on the Sunshine Coast, Australia, changing the lives of thousands of women across the world by stripping away all the layers dulling their shine, activating energy and light in the body, so you can live a life, energised, confident, light and free!
While I am a fat metabolism specialist, nutritional therapist, life coach, personal trainer and energy coach with 15 years of coaching experience I am really, a highly charged and light filled soul bringing light to your life so you can shine in your unique beauty.
But I wasn’t always this way!
I was diagnosed with an incurable and degenerative arthritis of the spine in my 20’s, I was tired and sore each morning when I woke and I crashed exhausted on the couch after work everyday. I couldn’t walk very long without being tired with chronic pain, 10kg over weight with acne and awful IBS I felt trapped in a body that felt fragile and was depressing to look at.
It took a combination of loads of research, coaches, studying nutrition, positive psychology and the metabolism, to balanced my hormones, optimise my metabolism, reprogram my emotions, mind and cells to free myself from the limits of my body and mind. I went from unable to walk around a shopping centre to running a 42km marathon, energised and with no pain!
I have a gift of seeing the programming and density blocking your light, and I shine a light on it, so together we can dissolve this weight, so your body, mind and heart feels lighter and free to walk with me into new dimensions where your body, health and life is yours and life is full of energy, confidence, freedom, and fun.
Beware, I create life changing transformation for anyone and ONLY everyone who is ready to let go!.
All you have to do is spend 7 minutes or so a day for 7 days and take action and you will transform your body, health and life. So what say you, are you in?
This all sounds great but what if….
...I don’t have an 7 minutes a day to complete the daily challenges?
No worries! You can do the daily challenges at your own pace and time. But really, if you want to create life changing shifts in your body, health and life, it is going to take doing something different to what you are doing now.
I have tried everything, what makes this any different?
We know you have tried everything so have hundreds of other women who have done the challenge. Our strategies don’t rely on mainstream exercise or calorie cutting we go straight to the source of the metabolism, the part they don’t want you to know so you can reclaim control over your body and suddenly it all makes sense! We have also kept this mini course super afforable so anyone can access it and you really have nothing to lose, except a few extra kilos 😉
...I need help or have questions?
What do you say?
Are you ready to ditch the overwhelm and confusion and reclaim your body, health and life in 7 short days?