Balance Your Hormones and Awaken Your Metabolism
Holistically reset your metabolism to unlock unlimited energy, easy weight loss, mental clarity, and a body and life your love!
Are You….
a busy woman on the go looking after everyone else, your partner, the kids, supporting friends and going all in on your work?
Have you had that moment when you woke up one day and realised you have lost your spark?
Dissapointed with the woman you see in the mirror, fat accumulating on your tummy, the weight of the world sitting on your thighs, your bloated belly, and your tired heavy body?
And are you tired of all the conflicting advice?
You have tried everything and nothing seems to works for you anymore?
I hear you! And you don’t have to be in this situation!
These are all symptoms of hormone imbalance and only one engine of your metabolism firing.
Working harder is not working for you and it’s not going to work if you keep trying this way.
You can work smarter, balancing your bodies hormones, awakening all cylinders of your metabolism and have fat just fall off without exercise or starving yourself.
You can have energy that lasts all day and still have some sass at the end of the day for your loved ones. You can feel confident and free in a body you love. I promise you its actually super simple!
13 week Deep dive
Reset your hormones, metabolism, your cellular programming, mind and your emotions in 13 short weeks.
80+ Hormone Balancing Fat Burning Recipes
Self Paced Modules, Videos and WOrkbooks
Likeminded community and support as you navigate your journey
Introducing your 13 Week Metabolic Reset
Our unique and comprehensive 13 week metabolic reset program. Using nutritional science, lifestyle and hormone balancing strategies as well as mindset intervention and emotional therapy to naturally balance hormones and activate the bodies fat metabolism in 13 weeks.
This premium 13 week program offers world class content such as inner child retrieval, emotional eating and self sabotage healing, NLP and CBT to reprogram neural pathways, fat burning and hormone balancing nutritional science, strategic fasting, fat burning exercise, restoring circadian rhythms, balancing hormones and understanding your bodies biochemistry, self confidence and personal power as well as over 80 hormone balancing recipes and loving community with a blueprint for guaranteed success. This program is seriously one of a kind, are you ready?
What EXACTLY Does the metabolic reset involve?
You can expect:
Hormone balance and gut health
Ease and flow in your body.
Clear self sabotage and emotional eating
Feel in control of your body and life again.
Fat burning and faster metabolism
Work smarter rather than harder so excess weight falls off, you feel energised all day and unlock your bodies full potential.
No more calories counting and a happy family
Enjoy your food!
Released stored emotions and less stress
Dance through life with ease and love your body and life!
Restored circadian rhythms and sleep
Restore quality sleep so you feel relaxed and rejuvenated every day.
“This is the first time in quite some years I have managed to get to the bottom of my weight problems. Natalee has guided me and helped me understand in more details what my findings were. So far I have lost a total of 8kg. Even though I have been clean eating for two years this wasn’t the solution. I have learnt about, stress, cortisol levels, fasting, estrogen and adrenal fatigue… basically how everything links together like a domino effect. Food is medicine and managing eating patterns is certainly the key to feeling more energised, less stressed and stay positive to go all the way. Thank you Natalee for your knowledge, advice and time, I cannot thank you enough” Catherine
Everything You Need!
Your formula for success. World class content, coaching and community to create long lasting body and life changes.
step-by-step strategy plan
Weekly actionable step-by-step strategy plan that will cleanse and clear all your programming and recreate a body and life your love.
Ditch the overwhelm
From feeling overwhelmed and confused, to confident and motivated as you walk the walk and see weight-loss, energy, clearer skin and a flatter tummy right from week one.
You will not only create new life changing habits and lifestyle you will learn everything you need to know about your hormones, your metabolism, your mental and emotional programming to reclaim your power and release self sabotage and emotional eating for good!
Short and long term RESULTS
Here is How you win

Week 1 – Preparation
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. In this week you will know when and what in terms of meals, shopping and food preparation.
You will be clear on your focus, be super excited and everything will flow effortlessly. We will cover an overview of the program, self-reflection, shopping lists, food and symptom journals, goal setting, creating a contract with yourself, a daily weekly and monthly planner, and a macro-nutrient break down.

Week 2 – The Power of Why
If you don’t know why you are starting you will not succeed.
If you don’t know who’s counting on you it’s easy to give up on youreself.
In the power of why we teach you a simple and fun process of creating a powerful why that ignites the fire in your belly and guarantees you will be motivated day in day out as you a crystal clear on your purpose.

Week 3 – Embrace Emotions
You will no longer eat your feelings, you will understand, love and embrace them, Emotional eating, loss of self confidence, beliefs, values, childhood patterns are all covered in this module.
You will be clear what drives your emotional eating and regain control, you will discover new sweet things in life that taste better than food and you will feel comfortable with your feelings, you will embrace them. . You will connect with your inner child, face the woman in the mirror and reaffirm the beauty in and outside with powerful coaching exercises.

Week 4 – Reprogramming Thought Patterns
You will no longer be a slave to your thoughts and self sabotage. You will shine a light on your destructive thought patterns & use CBT and NLP models to reprogram these thoughts to recreate the body, health and life of your dreams.
You will learn how to create powerful rituals that will transform your day and cement your new lifestyle for good.

Week 5 – Next Level Nutrition
This week is next level because lets face it, you know what is healthy and its not working for you. We use specific nutrition strategies that unlock the number one barrier to fat metabolism. We make sure food is delicious, nourishing, and sustainable for life, while getting you unbelievable results.
This week you will unlock double the energy, and effortless weight loss with our well formulated and personalised nutrition plan. You will be clear on what and when to eat, and you will feel empowered to make healthy choices every day that get results.

Week 6 – Go Faster
Speed up you metabolism and accelerate your weight loss and health goals through guided and targeted intermittent fasting.
Understand different methods and how to integrate these new strategies into your busy life.
You will undergo a transformation that will detach you from food emotionally and physically and you will feel a new fresh connection with your body, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Week 7 – Childs Play
In this week you will learn how to exercise smarter not harder by shifting to fat burning movement rather than burning glucose. Your plan will be sustainable and fun so it easily becomes part of your lifestyle.
By the end you will be super clear on what movement burns fat and what is glucose burning, you will understand the successful formula to a lifelong love for movement and you will have a movement plan that makes you happy, gets results and is sustainable.

Week 8 – Sleeping Beauty
Restore circadian rhythms easily with strategic rituals and routines designed to balance sleeping hormones, reduce stress hormones and increase happy hormones.
In this week you will be clear on what behaviours are contributing to disrupted sleep, understand what triggers quality sleep and your will have numerous resources to take back control of your sleep. By the end you will drift off to sleep quickly and easily and wake up refreshed every day.

Week 9 and 10 – Harmonious Hormones
Watch everything fall into place as you balance key hormones insulin, adrenaline, cortisol, leptin, ghrelin, estrogen, progesterone, serotonin, meletonin and thyroid with simple but effective strategies.
You will restore balance in your life and harmony in your body as you slowly shift everything back into alignment to function optimally again. You will be clear on what hormones are causing what symptoms and you will feel empowered to make healthy choices every day that get results. Watch you body flow effortlessly when balance is restored.

Week 11 – Stressed to Impress
You will be horrified at the consequence of stress on your fat burning ability and start melting fat away as you find inner peace. Stress will no longer be trendy as you uncover the thoughts & behaviour destroying your health.
You will be clear on the sources of stress in your life and the metabolic consequences and you will have a stress management plan to find your peaceful fat burning state in any situation. Regain control and find inner peace again.

Week 12 – Self Care
Self care isn’t all about getting a massage, your hair or nails done. In this powerful module you will become number one in your life. With tools you will implement regular self care to achieve harmony in all areas of your life.
You will know why and how to put yourself first not only for yourself but for the benefit of those you love. You will be clear on the why you haven’t been caring for yourself, you will have the time to fit in self care easily with our time freeing strategies and you will no exactly what to do to be rejuvenated again.

Week 13 – Review and Revitalise
Often lifestyle changes don’t stick but with neural and cellular programming as well as education you will reclaim your power and your results will stick. You will meet all the expects to so you move forward with confidence. Not only will you understand hormones and your metabolism you will see its connection with almost every disease including excess weight.
You will also be clear on what you have achieved so far and your next steps to take your body and health to the next level.
“You will never regret doing this program……I think we as mothers feel guilty ……What we create is a new woman who is empowered not only within herself, but can then go on to role model healthy behaviours and ideas to the children we are raising.” Leeann Hudson”
And if you need one more reason:
Ask how you can also snap up these 5 special bonuses worth $397 for free!
What People Are Saying
Watch me interview Donna on how she lost 16kg in 12 weeks & went from a size 22 to 14, getting her confidence and her life back!
From high blood pressure, cortisol, 30kg overweight and fatty liver to losing 10kg in 3 months and reduction in all risk factors.
This All Sounds Great But…
What exactly will I recieve?
You will receive 13 training modules delivered each week, as well as access to our private Facebook support group.
In total, the course has over 50 hours of audios and videos, workbooks, templates, checklists, meal plans, shopping lists, rituals, weekly inspirational emails as well as over 80 fat burning and hormone balance recipes all of which you get to keep forever!
Do I have access to other Fat Burning Women?
Of course! Most women struggle in their weight and health journey, thinking they are alone. As you come together with other women in the program you will feel supported and understood in a safe, non judgemental online community of likeminded women.
Does it matter where Iive?
Not at all! You can access your program, coaching and support anywhere in the world as long as you have a device and internet.
I am a vegetarian, can I still do the program?
As our education system is based on hormone balance and metabolism for your weight, body and health so our focus is less on preferences and more on what changes your biochemistry.
This is actually super simple and you can apply it to a vegetarian diet, but probably not in the way you have done it in the past otherwise you wouldn’t be here seeking help. So as long as you are open to a different approach you can love your vegetarian life and have the body, health and life of your dreams. We also have vegetarian recipes and vegetarian options in our meal plans.
Our approach is holistic and whole-food based. We aim to work with you and your family supporting a conscious healthy lifestyle and some convenience too!
What if I discover the program isn't for me?
If you don’t feel the program is as promised we offer a 28 day money back guarantee provided you have shown you have given it a go and done all of the relevant homework.
There is no refund for change of mind or changed life circumstances. Life will change when you commit to this journey.
If you have any questions about the program or it’s relevance for you please email and we will be happy to guide you in the right direction.
I am not sure I am ready for the course just yet, will it be offered again?
At this stage we hope to offer the program in future. Although with other projects and client commitments it is unlikely it will be offered in this way and at this low price.
If you join now, not only do you get all of the above, you also receive our 5 one time bonuses and lifetime access to complete in your own time.
I have tried everything, do you still think it will work for me?
Every woman I have spoken to has tried everything before we meet. They work out and hard, they have tried all the diets, the shakes, the celeb promoted programs and when it doesn’t work for them they feel like a bit of a failure.
What we do is soooo different. We are not counting or restricting calories instead we look at what those calories do to your hormones and make smart adjustments, we also reprogram those mental and emotional patterns as well as lifestyle habits to balance hormones, awaken all cylinders of your metabolism and reclaim your body back – for good.
These subtle smarter shifts mean women can make only 20% changes and get 80% of the results, and quick! Most women will lose 1-3kg week one, no calorie restriction or exercise. Week 3+ energy starts to increase and the mind becomes razor sharp, it’s common to lose 0.5-1kg per week on average and for sleep to return to normal as well as hormone related issues, intolerances, skin issues and mood all stabilise and sparkle.
The question about will it work, will come down to whether you are willing to do life differently, not all at once, but be prepared to release old beliefs about how you think it should be done and embrace new possibilities and be willing to give it a go. The rest is science!
Will I have enough time to complete the course while juggling life?
This is a stress free space. Your peace and happiness is important to your hormone balance and metabolism so while we want to stretch and challenge you, to be overwhelmed is counter-productive to your health.
Almost everyone doing our program are busy women so the program is designed to work through at your own pace, in your own time and space.
While we will send you a module a week, there is no strict deadline, falling behind or failing in this program – you have the content forever so your new role moving forward is to work your new lifestyle around you and what you value so that you make life work for you.
Can I receive one on one coaching?
In the past we have offered one on one as part of our program however in an effort to connect and change the lives of more women, we now offer support in our private Facebook group. This private forum allows us to answer your questions personally, connect and support you as well as keep the price accessible for as many women as possible.
Should you require further one on one support this may be available to you for a further fee.
Is this a women's only course?
To create a safe environment for women in their body, emotions and mind journey, this program has been created with middle-aged women in mind. While the concepts and science also support Men’s lives this program is not open to men.
In saying this, many men have supported their women in their journey and gone through the modules and lifestyle changes alongside their loved ones. This is hugely encouraged, however, there are also many women who do not have the support of their loved ones and rely heavily on the community alone for support as they navigate this journey alone.

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